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Spring Cleaning - with an AT-AT!

Spring Cleaning - with an AT-AT!

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Preparing the remainig minis for my first Star Wars Legion army

Tutoring 11
Skill 10
Idea 10
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On Friday I want to start painting the remaining 5 Rebel Troopers and 2 DLT-20A specialists. To avoid duplication of minis in the force, I’m using Rebel Commandos here, of which I’ll then mix 1-2 into each of the three units of Rebel Troopers – they wear the same clothes, helmets and carry the same weapons, and differ only in the overcoats and ponchos. The Mon Calamari on the front right of the picture actually aims with a sniper rifle, but since I’m strictly WYSIWYG, he got the DLT20-A from a second specialist in an elaborate plastic operation, whose first out of the box version I painted as a Gooti. I removed the Mon Cala’s sniper rifle in such a way that his hands, including trigger finger, remain undamaged. Each of the three units of Rebel Troopers gets a DLT20-A specialist.

Now a third is missing – another box of Rebel Troopers Upgrade Expansion is coming today, so I have a third DLT20-A available for the last conversion for this army.

Preparing the remainig minis for my first Star Wars Legion army

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