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Let's talkabout 'Mechs bay-bee

Let's talkabout 'Mechs bay-bee

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"Battlemech Detected"

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 4
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So I actually tried to get into Battletech years ago, back when Catalyst released their Classic Battletech starter set (the one with the Hammerhands on the front and hard plastics of the Thor & Loki in addition to the more basic bag of one piece ‘mechs), and at the time picked up a few odd metal battlemechs that I could find on Ebay, and honestly Battletech was my main reason for backing Robotech RPG Tactics for better looking version of the classic “unseen” (lesson learnt there…). Now I wasn’t overly fussed with the aesthetic of the classic minis but found the redesigns for Mechwarrior Online pretty nifty, and came across some fairly decent (for the time) resin prints from Warhansa. Sadly as much as I found the setting pretty fascinating (as a complete stack of Dark Age novels will testify) I did bounce off of the rules and just never did any more with the minis (even if I did end up buying the next Start Box that BLG put out wit the hard plastic Mad Cat and Battlemaster).

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