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Europe in Flames - Early Medieval Warfare (1000 to 1150)

Europe in Flames - Early Medieval Warfare (1000 to 1150)

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The first Normans...

Tutoring 11
Skill 15
Idea 15

I’m starting the project with a few Normans to get used to painting plastic 28mm figures again.

I’m using Victrix models for these at the moment, and sticking with standard builds. As we will be using mainly skirmish rules to start – like Saga and our own – the first forces will be based on 25mm round bases.

The first Normans...

The first four Normans are done, and represent well equipped Knights on foot. Several wear late period face visors, the fellow with the red and yellow striped shield wears a helmet based on one from Sicily, so the Normans will start out as Italo-Normans, which will also fit well as I move east towards Byzantium.

The Normans are however generic enough to be used anywhere, without too much historical worries, so will see service against a number of other armies.



The first Normans...
The first Normans...

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zorgoriskanypiersMichael Stocknightrunner Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

Great work. Are the shields painted?, cause they look really good. The chainmail seems a little out of proportion though, but I guess it is a small price to pay for such beautiful plastics.

Cult of Games Member

Really lovely work. Could you explain how you went about getting such a good metal effect on the helmets?

Cult of Games Member

Great work and results on a whole new period @piers! Awesome!

Cult of Games Member

Ooh congratulations @piers the Norman troops look fabulous looking.

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