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Retreat From Moscow

Retreat From Moscow

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Tutoring 13
Skill 14
Idea 13
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Vivandiere or Cantiniere were woman who were attached to the French army to act as sutlers or canteen keepers, and acted as vendors of food and drink to their attached regiment to complement their rations. They were not soldiers, officially serving alongside their husbands, (although the rule that vivandières had to be the wives of soldiers in their regiments was not always strictly enforced).

They fought in every campaign of the Napoleonic Wars,  and it was common for cantinières to provide food and drink to the troops while under fire (generally at no charge on days of battle), nurse the wounded, and generally stiffen morale. Some cantinières reportedly carried muskets and fought in the ranks.

A Vivandiere is a recruitment option for a French unit in the Silver Bayonet. This model comes from Black Hussar Miniatures, a small indie company in Germany, who have a small range but very interesting Napoleonic figures and accessories like wagons, field kitchens and bakeries. They also have some FIW and Saxons for the 7 years war.

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