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Quarantine 37 - Stargrave

Quarantine 37 - Stargrave

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Terrain Trekking

Tutoring 7
Skill 8
Idea 8
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Found some stationery page dividers and felt stuck together in pairs with a bit of sprue... They'd look like a decent sci fi barrierFound some stationery page dividers and felt stuck together in pairs with a bit of sprue... They'd look like a decent sci fi barrier
Once assembled I sprayed them with a cheap shop silver primer. I found some red triangle transfers and some WW2 British markings numbers to make them a bit more interesting.Once assembled I sprayed them with a cheap shop silver primer. I found some red triangle transfers and some WW2 British markings numbers to make them a bit more interesting.
I think they look good. They are light weight and quick to make. Just what's required.I think they look good. They are light weight and quick to make. Just what's required.

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