Robin paints Genestealer Cults
But y’know the devils got your number
Had a bit of fun with this weeks newest project. With a quote from Brood I mean…. Blood Brothers.
Beginning my squad with the sergeant who is an OOP Kasrkin Cadian model.
The process of this began with filing and cutting away the imperial markings (I know heresy) then applying a green stuff mound on his forehead.
I then primed and highlighted the model.
When I bought this model on eBay it didn’t come with a backpack so I bought a cadian backpack and two genestealer arms with the little genestealer insignia on them. I plan to cut this off and replace the imperial badge with this on his breast plate and backpack.
I decided to go with a white colour scheme to challenge myself;
well here is is!
I achieved the effect of the skin with a base of purple, then drybrush red, then dry brush corax white and then white scar. I used the same dry brush which I feel created a really nice blend. I then added detail with red and white scar white.
The armour was achieved with a base of corax white and then highlight of white scar.
The sword (which I’m proudest of) is based in purple, then highlighted with white scar white and electric blue, then a shade of purple and a highlight of white again.
Any questions let me know!!
This is the progress so far; base and backpack to do!!
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