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Deadpool kills...err..paints the Marvel Universe

Deadpool kills...err..paints the Marvel Universe

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Avengers Assemble! (pt 1)

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2
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First attempt at this post got eaten so I’m going to split things up a bit more in the hopes that it helps.

With Deadpool set it was on to the core box.  I asked my son if he’d like to paint them or if he’d rather I do it and wasn’t too surprised to end up with the job.

In all the models went together well enough.  Most of the Avengers did have some level of gaps though so filler was needed.  Mainly this was at the leg joins but some at the shoulder as well.

First up is Spiderman

As one of my all time favorite characters it was great painting up Spidey.  I initially thought getting the lines of the suit painted would be difficult but because they’re depressed rather than raised it was fairly easy to start dark/black wash and then build up the red without losing the lines.  I meant to add a bit of fishing line to act as a web shooting from his hand but haven’t gotten around to it yet.

Captain Marvel was fairly straight forward though her sash made for some tricky brush work at times.  Her rock is a good example of where the mini’s built in terrain can clash a bit with the base.  I tried to merge them a bit by painting it as if the road were being peeled up.  On the ground behind it I tried to add some depth to sell the illusion a bit.  It came out reasonably well and at least implies a hole.

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