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Manda's (Amachan) Epirote Warband

Manda's (Amachan) Epirote Warband

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Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4
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So after considering it for some time, this is what I am going to do with my basing.

  1. Attach the model to the base and blend in the moulded on base that the models come with. Without them I fear I am going to struggle with adhesion to the base. Pinning isn’t really an option as I use 1.5mm thick bases.
  2. I then add details on it that need to be painted, like resin tree stumps, weapons, skulls or whatever I feel is appropriate.
  3. I cover the base in PVA glue and cover it with a fine sand.
  4. Give the model and its base a coat of primer.
  5. I will paint the model as normal, but at the same time I paint the base and the rim with Vallejo Model Color Iraqui Sand (70.819).
  6. When this is sufficiently dry I will drybrush the base with Vallejo Model Color Pale Sand (70.837).
  7. After that I will add a coat of Citadel Shade Agrax Earthshade (99189953018) over the base.
  8. When the wash has dried I will add another drybrush of Vallejo Model Color Pale Sand (70.837).
  9. After that I will add a coat of Vallejo Model Wash Desert Dust (76.522).
  10. I will put a second coat of Vallejo Model Color Iraqui Sand (70.819) over the rim of the base.
  11. When this is dry I will add some PVA glue in various areas where I want to place a tuft, a rock or a log to the base. I will then cover a couple of more areas of the base and sprinkle some fine flock over it.
  12. Shake it off and when the glue is dry it is ready for the varnishes.

I think this will add a good Mediterranean feel to the base.

This is what the bases will look like.This is what the bases will look like.

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