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"Hola amigo, I come to suck your blood!"

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A Grotesque of Ghouls - pt 03 - The Ghoul King.

Tutoring 8
Skill 10
Idea 9

Hi everyone,

I have finished my so called ‘Ghoul King’ and I added some blood effects to my finished ghouls. I also have started three more ghouls.

As for the Ghoul King, it is a model from Otherworld Miniatures (currently at 50% discount).  I do not know what is hanging from its mouth?, so I painted it in red and tried to make it look like torn flesh.


A Grotesque of Ghouls - pt 03 - The Ghoul King.
A Grotesque of Ghouls - pt 03 - The Ghoul King.
A Grotesque of Ghouls - pt 03 - The Ghoul King.

The next three models are the ghouls from Heresy Miniatures.  These models have more detail and definition.  I have finished the loin cloths but the rest is still in the works.

A Grotesque of Ghouls - pt 03 - The Ghoul King.

That is all for this week.  Hopefully, I will finish more next week.  I will be posting alternative profiles for the werewolves on Tuesday as well.

Till then, stay safe and have fun,


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They look like they could use a good bite…

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