Resolution 2022: Hobby Bingo!
Ork Big Mek (70 points)
Finally finished. I’ve been working on this for about a month, which is a long time for one of my projects.
The pipes were painted with a variety of contrast paints: warp lightning, plaguebearer flesh, aethermatic blue, iyanden yellow, gryph-hound orange, or blood angels red.
The cloth straps were painted snakebite leather and the teeth pendants were painted skeleton horde.
The detail areas were picked out in abaddon black then either left black, or painted white scar or khorne red.
The chips were painted ironbreaker as a form of weathering.
The lenses were painted spiritstone red over ironbreaker.
A few tips I’ve picked up from painting one of the McFarlane Artist Proofs:
- Carefully break the model down into its key parts to make handling the big model easier and to allow access to all areas.
- If you can, apply the basecoat with a spray gun or can. In hindsight I could have saved a lot of time if I’d sprayed this model blue.
- Set realistic expectations – I wanted to try and paint more detail than I normally would, ignoring the fact that the canvas area is perhaps 100 times bigger than a typical 28mm character model. Trying to stick to this would have really dragged me down and it’s why I started using contrast paints for the second half of the project.
2022-04-05 Your project has been visited by the unofficial Hobby Hangout. Huzza!