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Bot War Infesters Project

Bot War Infesters Project

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Who are The Infesters? What is Bot War?

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What is Bot War?

For those of you who are yet to see any other Bot War content I figured the best place I could start and what attracted me to it to begin with.

If you were a child of the 80s you will know we grew up enjoying a lot of the franchises that have become extremely successful today, Bot War is a game that draws on that nostagia in a world of its own, it has giant robots that convert into things (totally no transformers), a good and an evil army (totally not GI Joe) and it draws from IPs such a M.A.S.K. as well. If you’ve been following Rum8le’s projects then you will already have seen some of this for yourself.

What drew me to Bot War?

Around 2 years ago before the pandemic we were having a conversation on my podcast (Getting Tabled) about franchise’s we grew up with and why I felt they were a natural fit for the tabletop, how I was confused as to why it hadn’t yet been done when so many of them seemed like such an easy conversion. I had used He-Man as example of an IP easilly converted into a skirmish battle, in my head picturing something similar to the Marvel Crisis Protocol game we now know of today.

It was roughly a month later when by pure chance I stumbled across the Bot War game by Traders Galaxy, I ordered the 2 player starter set tha was current at the time, had an interview with Anthony and then as the Pandemic hit it faded into the mists of projects long forgotten.

I make the joke about it being forgotten but that was not entirely true, its just it wasnt high on the priority list without people to play with (or the opportunity to do so). That however would change in 2021 when a listener reached out regarding another game Id mentioned wanting to play who was also beginnning to play Bot War, that was the only push I needed. An order was made soon after.

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