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Legacy of the Halo Scar

Legacy of the Halo Scar

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The Shape of the Crusade

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 4
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As mentioned in a previous post, I’m taking the unusual step of building the whole army before painting because I want to get the look and feel of the overall crusade right.

Having now build all the models and thrown some primer on, I thought I’d see how it was looking.

Overall, pretty happy. I like the quantity of cavalry. The eagle eyed may also notice that the “chicken walkers” (Dragoons) have been replaced by a Dune Crawler. This is partly because GW changed all the points on me (inevitable given the glacial pace of my hobby!) and partly because they look a bit out of place. Even though technically cavalry, they would be the tallest thing in the army and it looks a bit odd. Maybe they’ll make a return, not sure, but the points will inevitably change again so I’ll keep an open mind.

The main thing I’m not quite happy with is the level of pageantry. I used all the banners in the kits I had, but it’s needs more pageantry, and bigger pageantry. The dunecrawler needs a big arsed flag, and the dreadnought needs “flehgs” too.

Will ponder that next.


The Shape of the Crusade
The Shape of the Crusade
The Shape of the Crusade

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