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Spring Clean Hobby Challenge 2022 - Assorted Projects

Spring Clean Hobby Challenge 2022 - Assorted Projects

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Zombie Chaos

Tutoring 7
Skill 7
Idea 7
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A fun little project involving a tiny crab claw found on a beach while walking in Menorca.A fun little project involving a tiny crab claw found on a beach while walking in Menorca.

The model was made with a variety of Games Workshop parts. Dripping blood effects are modelled with fishing wire and the droplets are simply made using two-part epoxy resin (the one I used came from B & M bargains and cost £1) thinned with acetone. The claw was found on a beach and the most challenging part of the project was painting it to look like a real crab claw. Ink glazes highlighting and shading were my friends here. Final highlights were made using Ushbati Bone. The black parts of the claw were glazed with thinned Black Templar contrast paint then highlighted. The same resin was used for the water effect on the base. The rotting wood in the water came from my garden which was then washed in several different ink colours and highlighted. The bull rushes are made with thin wire and milliput.

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