Manda's (Amachan) RC Adventures
This Really Grinds my Gears....
I went out driving near the dunes yesterday and 15 minutes in this started happening….
You can hear the motor still turning and the drive shafts stop, this is a breakage in the main gearbox, most likely the spur or pinion gear connecting to the motor.
After taking it apart it became obvious that the pinion gear (small) had lost most of it’s teeth, the spur gear (large) however looked like it still had all of them. On closer inspection though, they are also ground down a bit shorter, you can see the splinters of the gears in the dirty lube on the side of the casing.
You can’t blame this on bad maintenance or that I put it back together incorrectly when I took it apart last. I had a picture of the pinion running the spur gear from then and you can see the pinion’s gears are already mostly gone. Somehow due to me being fairly new to this I missed this and thought it was fine. Learning along the way I suppose.
Before my car started grinding its gears I did get a nice picture though, so there is that to enjoy. Now it is waiting for replacement parts and then we continue the spring clean or spring repair updates for my RC truck.
On a side note, I did fix the rear light on my RC truck…
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