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Bob's Battletech

Bob's Battletech

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Grey Death Legion

Tutoring 8
Skill 8
Idea 8
Grey Death Legion

Well having got you in the mood , having painted up Grayson Carlyle,  I thought looked a  it lonesome,  so decided why not paint up a Company of Grey Death Legion, I’d already done Clays Rifleman, so why not the rest of the Company from the Helm Campaign as related in the novel ,’ The Price of Glory’ the last novel of the original Trilogy  and the books that got me really interested in the Univese.

As Carlyle’s Marauder had been the base scheme idea I pinched for my own Forlorn Hope Battalion of Knights Mercian.

Biggest problem was getting the mechs , as the Lance boxes were becoming few and far between  even on fleabay, but I dropped lucky when buying some Salvage Boxes from Waylands Forge in Brum  getting , Crusader, Archer, Stinger and Warhammer and another Rifleman.  I picked up another Stinger, Phoenix Hawk  and  Shadow Hawk off ebay, and re-purposed a Griffin from my attempt at Wolf’s Dragoons a year ago. I then brought another starte box (of course I did) for anything left.

So as it stands

Command Lance

Marauder (Carlyle)

Rifleman (McCall)

Shadow Hawk (Kalmar)

Wolverine (Clay)

Grey Death Legion
Grey Death Legion

Fire Lance

Warhammer (Khaled)

Archer (Koga)

Crusader (Bear)

Shadow Hawk ( Sharryl)

Grey Death Legion
Grey Death Legion

Recon Lance

Griffin (De Villier)

Phoenix Hawk (Kent)

Stinger (Blake)

Stinger (Shapely)

Grey Death Legion
And the GerryshotAnd the Gerryshot

So having painted all above thought might be nice to try out Some Alpha Strike using the scenarios from the Battletech Source book.

‘Turning Points Helm.’

This was the campaign were the famous Helm Data Core was found which enabled the Inner Sphere to rediscover some of the lost tech lost during the 3  previous succession wars.

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dawfyddsundancerbobcockayne Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

Um…. What is this supposed to be Bob? XD


Looks good dude. I’m messing around with dual GDL forces – I’ve got Grayson’s Marauder from the Legendary Mechwarriors box I was planning to build a force much like yours based on their historical TO, but have been taken by the hooks set up for Ronan & Bel Carlyle’s reborn Legion post 3151 so have some of the mech’s they are described as using set to one side….

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