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Let's talkabout 'Mechs bay-bee

Let's talkabout 'Mechs bay-bee

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Tutoring 2
Skill 3
Idea 3
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Sadly no real progress on the painting front as it turns out I have tennis elbow in my right (dominant) arm, which is why holding a paintbrush is so painful. However it’s not all been quiet on the Battletech front – I took it upon myself to prep some projects.


So what we have here are the starts of 2 forces. At the bottom, is the Legendary Mechwarriors pack Marauder of Grayson “Death” Carlyle along with several other battlemechs representing members of the Gray Death Legion from both Graysons time and that of his great-grandchildren Ronan & Bel in the IlKhan era. that grey-on-grey camo should be a fairly simple painjob.
At the top of the picture meanwhile are 4 lances (1 each of Lights, Mediums, Heavies & Assaults) built around the 8 ‘mechs included in the A Game Of Armoured Combat box. Still trying to decide what to do with these, whether to make them a mercenary company or do them as a House unit. Any ideas?

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