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It's all Greek to me

It's all Greek to me

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Reinforcements and Leaders

Tutoring 10
Skill 11
Idea 11

Despite planning to work on a different project, I had a wee rummage in the delivery from Footsore and decided to clean up a few. One set of slingers to act as ranged reinforcements, a Styrix (musician) and two Heavy Lochagos.

There was a lot of flash but mold lines were fairly minimal. The lochagos and the musician get based on 32mm rounds as they roam the board on their own. The slingers are for another group base so they are on 25mm rounds (group bases are 60mm rounds)

Reinforcements and Leaders
Reinforcements and Leaders

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Jill Gorramzorg Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

Ooh Congratulations @gorram your project figures are looking fabulous.

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