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Malifaux Pigpen bases

Malifaux Pigpen bases

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Tutoring 5
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My favorite part of projects like this, putting everything together. Right now it just looks like a bunch of crap on black bases, but if you squint a little and have had a few shots of your best gremlin shine, then you can probably see where we are going. Of maybe you’re too busy running away from the bayou gators… thats understandable.

You know that scene in the Matric where neo says “Guns, lots of guns” and then all the guns whoosh by him? Well the Gremlin version of that is “Boomsticks, lots of boomsticks” and then a bunch of much shittier guns fly past them. But it would be much funnier if they said “Mud, lots of mud” and then a bunch of mud splashed down all over everything.


I guess what im trying to say is that these bases been mud. So i grabbed some Vallejo mud texture paste, but its too orange and not gritty enough, so I added some medium sized sand, and some dark brown paint. After mixing, it looks pretty gross. Perfect for Gremlins.


Splash it on the bases. Not carefully. I channeled my inner kindergartener with finger paints.


Except for the base rims, don’t get stuff on the base rims. Thats a big pet peeve of mine.

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