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STALINGRAD Bolt Action Mega Battle!

STALINGRAD Bolt Action Mega Battle!

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Stalingrad 1942-43 (1) The German Advance to the Volga.

Tutoring 16
Skill 16
Idea 17
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Stalingrad 1942-43 (1) The German Advance to the Volga.

I have always loved Osprey books, ever since I first encountered them as a bored Secondary School Boy, who found them to be a light in the darkness of dull educational volumes, and even worse tweenager novels, when we were forced to pick a book in the school library.

As a keen historical wargamer, these books are an absolute must. The ‘Campaign’ series have really come into their own as background reading paired with  Campaign’ books for Bolt Action. Very quickly I have found that an Osprey book can turn a brief over view of a Battle or Campaign into an in-depth understanding, with areas of specialist knowledge.

This book is great for designing my own battles building up to the great city battle (the battle of Stalingrad was in reality a campaign), and has given me inspiration on what forces and units to work on, such as the 24th Panzer division. This book has also inspired me to model rear echelon forces such as Hiwis and workers from Organatzion Todt using converted and kit-bashed Warlord kits.

I don’t wish to spoil the contents for any potential readers, but I would thoroughly recommend this book as for it’s historical information to add depth and inspiration to any wargamer interested in this major moment in World History, and there is a wealth of inspiration for my future games of Bolt Action.

Please follow the link to the Osprey website:

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