The British forces out looking for an impi to destroy leave their camp to the mercy of a Zulu raiding party.
As a royal regiment approaches they are ambushed by a liking unit of the Natal Native contingent who had been left behind to guard the camp. Against the odds they see off the zulus
A dark shadow crosses the battlefield. Maybe an eclipse which is an ill omen for the nnc who fall back before the impis that stot at by arriving cavalry
As the redcoats approach their camp they are shit at from the hills by surprisingly well aimed enemy marksman
The infantry form up and become a wall of bayonets that deliver a nasty shock to the zulus who after a mawling fall back only to be shot up by a well disciplined force who decided not to chase after the zulus
Zulus smash up the water cart and burn the British supplies before falling back under fire. Meanwhile the Zulu snipers see off a company of redcoats while the British hold on to the centre
The zulus taunt the British from their own camp but are unable to get near the redcoats thanks to defensive fire. Meanwhile the cavalry is brought down and overrun but gives the British a better field of fire.
The zulus completed their objectives by destroying the enemy supplies but the British fulfilled their own objectives by ambushing and wiping out enemy units. A mi or victory for the British but with no supplies they will have to abandon the invasion.
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