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From the workbench of the esteemed Horati0nosebl0wer

From the workbench of the esteemed Horati0nosebl0wer

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Dealing with getting laid off

Tutoring 10
Skill 10
Idea 11

Unemployment, for fun ... no profit

The limit of caffeine was reached and dopamine levels pushed well beyond normal in dealing with getting laid off of work Friday morning a couple hours into my shift. What else does one do than, get a haircut/beard trim, go home and have quite a bit of coffee before a marathon session of paint slinging into the small hours of the morning?

I admit it was not all hobby time. I caught Zoolander No. 2 in the break time and had a few laughs as well with the Weekender and XLBS. Music in mass quantities has also been taken in and the discography for Heilung has been listened to in its entirety. It seems only fitting for painting Vikings to listen to them. In my painting fervor I even included one of the rune stones I purchased from what was to be an Indie of the Week previously covered.

This has been a mental health weekend. I’m now dealing with the part of rehashing a resume and looking again. I might finish up quite a bit more for one of my projects now to feel like I’m being productive somehow.

You'd never know how much different grasses make a difference You'd never know how much different grasses make a difference

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zorgzebraoutriderrayzryr Recent comment authors
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I’m sorry to hear about your situation fella, but your ability to channel that energy into positive creativity is laudable!
Great work there.

Cult of Games Member

Keep your chin up… ?

Cult of Games Member

shitty news about your job.

congratulations on winning a gold button for the brilliant work on the project figures @horati0nosebl0wer

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