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A long time ago at a Hobby Weekend far far away…

A long time ago at a Hobby Weekend far far away…

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Getting back to it…

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 5

Spring turned to summer and eventually I found the time to pin wash the Walker. It immediately became obvious that accessing the areas below the head would be impossible so I ‘deconstructed’ a little further and removed the head, along with the weapons.

Getting back to it…

With the head out of the way I followed the same process I had used on the downed walker. This meant spraying with gloss varnish and then going back to the Mig Ammo pin wash. I started working around the legs and chassis….

Getting back to it…

… and then continued onto the head and weapons. It has to be said that the head was a piece of cake compared to the legs, which required a lot of surface work!

Leaving the head off for the time being, I broke out the Modelmates that I had employed on the downed Walker. I wasn’t intending to do anything like the amount of breakdown I had done to the wrecked version, but felt a little rust here and there would break up the greyness.

Getting back to it…
Getting back to it…
Getting back to it…

Using the Modelmates I added some small areas of rust around any bolts or grills that looked susceptible to weather damage. Oil streaks and stains were then added anywhere you might get leaking fluids!

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Legion! Yeah!

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