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From the workbench of the esteemed Horati0nosebl0wer

From the workbench of the esteemed Horati0nosebl0wer

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When something just clicks

Tutoring 8
Skill 8
Idea 8
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Why I stop doing mini work from time to time can be pinned to analysis paralysis. I get wrapped up in my own head and think of the detail work instead of doing it. The comparison of my own work to that of others and the downgrading of considering my own talent and capabilities, not in the the spirit of being humble but of self worth, and this leads to turning away from the hobby out of discontent with my own achievement.

I’ve come to this thinking by doing work in my head regarding other areas of my life and I was struck by the layout of the most recent book from Mig Ammo which Gerry reviewed. I think that it addresses a core notion which hadn’t quite been articulated as a visual answer. It boils down to the sliding scale of painting levels clearly. It gives the reader high quality painting porn photos (no other way to put it, but its true) of even simple technique and then going along the path to more detailed and time intensive work. It addresses level of need for detail. Where does one need to end up to perceive making good looking work?

Scale of project and of figures makes the detail level scale. I’ve dived into painting a friends epic Eldar force and the mesh masking technique I used on my leader for the Arabian Knights at 28mm has a whole different look on a Fire Prism at 6mm. The 2 inch-2 foot rule becomes clear only through experience or seeing examples in situ. The rank and flank of an ACW or Napoleonic will be different than the skirmish warband of Warcry or Space Station Zero. The zoo is full of very different animals from our mini world.

I’ll be back to more painting as I ease my mind. Here’s something that crossed my path in suggestions that poked at issues regarding other artistic ventures I’ve had.

Then I found this

Good news for the work front, I might be back to building again. I don’t look forward to the prospect of being in the cold come winter. My hope is to get a shop position at that point. The downside is less time for minis. I’ll be sure to push out as much work as possible before that happens.

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