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Sláine: Kiss My Paintbrush!

Sláine: Kiss My Paintbrush!

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Sláine's chariot

Tutoring 5
Skill 6
Idea 6

I had another Foundry Sláine model and I wanted him riding in a chariot.  I found the ideal model at the Legionary show in Exeter.  There is a chap who has loads of Black Tree Designs models as he used to paint for them.  He had a painted Barbarian Chariot which was a bit oversized for 28mm models with the crew being nearer to 35mm.  That meant it was perfect for Sláine.  No need for me to do more than touch up the paintwork.  I did need to add a broader platform which is made from balsa and allows Sláine enough room and for me to base him and have him removable, rather than having to glue him in.
I was keen to have a model of Sláine’s charioteer, Gerg Three Fingers.  Nothing suitable on the market seemingly so a conversion was needed.  Here is what we started with – a Chaos Marauder with Gerg’s characteristic belly plate and a  spare head from Britannia miniatures, massive by 28mm standards but ideal here.

Sláine's chariot

And we’re aiming for this:

Sláine's chariot

Slaine is carrying the Spear of the Sun and Sword of the Moon and standing on the Stone of Destiny.  A bit of green stuff carved to match the planking of the chariot floor for the base and he’s ready for paint.

A bit of trimming and a touch of greenstuff to fill the join between head and torso.  The three Fomorian fingers were clipped off a zombie standard arm and superglued to the helmet and Gerg is done.  Speedpaints to match the Sessair.  Drilled his hands out and then used some tomato paste tube foil to make the reins.  Strictly speaking he should have two reins for each horse but one each will do.  Lots of flocking and clumps on the base to match the rest and we are done:

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zoidpinheadsundancer Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

nice conversion work

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