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Robin paints Genestealer Cults

Robin paints Genestealer Cults

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This little light of mine!

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 6
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So things have been crazy as of late; moving house along with other things and I haven’t had much hobby time! I wanted something to sink my teeth into.

Cue learning how to apply OSL to my cult.


Cue repainting my entire army with OSL and a darker base to make the Bladed Bog pop!

The OSL was achieved with Waystone Green; far off, Moot green; slightly closer, Wazdakka yellow; even closer. On all lamps and light sources on the cult. I’m still fixing up the glow on the vehicles but all the infantry and characters are done!  I thought the green glow would help solidify the jungle theme of the cult with green tones and also tbh contrast nicely with the other colours of the cult. I then neatened up all light sources with Wazdakka Yellow and Pure White.

As always I think it’s always important to continue painting even sometimes finished models because you end up with awesome results!

Oop Sgt for my Brood Brothers Oop Sgt for my Brood Brothers
Primus Primus

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