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The Nottingham |Cheese Riot of 1766-The Game

The Nottingham |Cheese Riot of 1766-The Game

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Victory conditions

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 7

After looking at the loot the town scenario I decided the table would represent the market place with 7 cheese piles to be looted. Each cheese pile was protected by two townsfolk. The players control three teams of looters each made up of two women and a “rude boy” as they were described historically. I would control the townsfolk and other random events as a GM. Players score victory points for achieving any of the following.

1 point for each cheese removed from the table or rival player looters taken out of action.

2 points for taking the mayor or a Dragoon out of action.

2 points for going for the meat stand and beating the butcher and taking the meat. There was a meat riot a few years later so I thought I’d acknowledge that incident with this rule.

A looted cheese can be carried off the board or rolled off to score.

Cheese is rolled 3D6 inches away us 2 for boys and 3 for women. They can also be rolled at a character as a weapon as they were against the mayor. If the range roll reaches the target they are knocked down on a 4+ missing a turn. On a further roll of 5+ they are out of the game.

Some foundry townsfolk ready to protect their cheeseSome foundry townsfolk ready to protect their cheese

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I’m sure I used to work with the lass in the green. A feisty Carlton gal.

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