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The Nottingham |Cheese Riot of 1766-The Game

The Nottingham |Cheese Riot of 1766-The Game

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Event cards-keep

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 7
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I had a lot more keep cards which can be played when needed and involved a few real life events such as butter upa small discount and stray shotI had a lot more keep cards which can be played when needed and involved a few real life events such as butter upa small discount and stray shot
  1. Riot act. When the dragoons arrive, you get to choose which edge they arrive on.
  2. Stray shot. Use when you are shot at by a dragoon. Instead of being the target the nearest other model from a rival mob it townsperson is hit instead.
  3. Wet powder. Play on any dragoon who is about to shoot. The shot misfires and they need to reload.
  4. Raucous behaviour. Play in combat to roll 2 dice and pick the highest result.
  5. Butter up. Play before starting close combat. The target has butter rubbed in their face and pushed back 1D6 inches
  6. Rude boys. Use on your boy model he taunts a townsperson up to 10 inches away. The target must make a move towards the rude boy.
  7. Hard cheese. Play when a model is hit by a rolling cheese. They are immediately taken out of action.
  8. Get out of stocks free. Play at the start of your turn to release one of your mob from the stocks and are free to move.
  9. A small discount. Play on a rival when they get in close combat with a merchant. Instead of fighting they start haggling over prices. They can’t move until they roll 5-6 then they are free to fight as normal after deciding to steal the cheese anyway.
  10. Mighty fine cheese. Play when you pick up a cheese. It is the finest of all cheeses. It is worth two victory points. However everyone will want a piece.
  11. Merchants from Lincoln. Play when a rival picks up a cheese. That cheese is removed and placed next to the Lincoln merchant who had got their first.
  12. I call it polystyrene. Play on a rival player when they pick up a cheese. The cheese has gone off and removed from play.
  13. Gin might help. Use on a model who is taken out of action. They recover and stay in place.
  14. Lactose lout. Play on a rival player when they pick up a cheese. They have a reaction to the dairy product and must immediately roll it away. It can be picked up later but not by this model.
  15. Stench of the poor. Play when in combat. The enemy must immediately move away 2D6 to escape the smell but the effect only lasts that turn.
In reality merchants from Lincoln had purchased the cheese before many townsfolk could get any so the card teleports cheese to a wagon. This Lincoln merchant can also have his cheese stolen if anyone can get to him In reality merchants from Lincoln had purchased the cheese before many townsfolk could get any so the card teleports cheese to a wagon. This Lincoln merchant can also have his cheese stolen if anyone can get to him

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