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Anyone seen my Pachyderm

Anyone seen my Pachyderm

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The Carthaginian army has always had a fascination for me and I first built a 25mm army in the late 70’s using mainly Garrison and Lamming figures. Many games were played using WRG 5th edition and the army was trampled underfoot by Macedonian Successors, Byzantine, Roman and many other armies.

With the coming release of Infamy for the Punic Wars and the existing Clash of Spears rules it was time to revisit and rebuild the army.

The first units to be painted was some Iberian scutarii. Unfortunately I do not know the figure manufacturer as they were given to me as a present. For this reason my normal approach of using shield transfers had to be abandoned. The figures were painted using natural colours to represent unbleached cloth but with the traditional edging of either red or purple depending on the sources you believe.


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