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2023 - Gaining Focus and Bringing Ideas to Life

2023 - Gaining Focus and Bringing Ideas to Life

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Identifying the Blockers

Tutoring 5
Skill 6
Idea 8

First thing to address is to ask myself what were the blockers to hobbying in 2022? Parking the real-life stuff, which is what it is, I concluded that there are two categories of blockers: The lies I tell myself; and the physical barriers I put in my way.

Lies I tell myself:
1. If I don’t have half a day free, then I don’t have time to paint (or it isn’t worth getting all the stuff out)
2. I have to focus on one project until it is finished
3. I’m too tired to paint
4. I need to clear/clean/organise my hobby dump before I can relax into hobby, and that is a gargantuan task

Physical Barriers:
1. My workspace is an absolute tip – full of clutter and distractions
2. My hobby space is in a separate room, which means I feel bad taking myself away from my wife unless she is doing something on her own as well
3. What I need isn’t to hand
4. I can’t switch between projects quickly

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Dan (@DarkDanegan)alfonsothetraitor Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

I found that the internet is the largest blocker of them all. I found myself on the internet looking up tips and tricks to help me become a better painter or making terrain and not doing the hobby ?

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