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A Scattering of Terrain

A Scattering of Terrain

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Stargrave run down mining colony

Tutoring 12
Skill 14
Idea 14
Early days, putting together a 5 Parsecs table, one of the rare occasions I actually played the game before I had painted everything .It felt like a decent startEarly days, putting together a 5 Parsecs table, one of the rare occasions I actually played the game before I had painted everything .It felt like a decent start
I decided a couple more buildings were required. I had always like the aesthetic co-opted by GW in their Necromunda franchise, but obviously their prices were....their prices. Therefore I made thoroughly nice Ebay vendor the Troll Trader 100 quid richer instead and then found a few other bits on also on Ebay. Four weeks later and upwards of 1500 manly swears later I had a table full of stuff to paint. I decided a couple more buildings were required. I had always like the aesthetic co-opted by GW in their Necromunda franchise, but obviously their prices were....their prices. Therefore I made thoroughly nice Ebay vendor the Troll Trader 100 quid richer instead and then found a few other bits on also on Ebay. Four weeks later and upwards of 1500 manly swears later I had a table full of stuff to paint.
I wanted a fast and dirty way of getting colour on all these bit, so I opted for rattle cans from the local car accessories emporium, silver and a reddish rust brown. From a psychological point of view turning a sea of mdf into something coloured and with a bit of tonal interest was a massive boost to my motivation. as a sufferer of anxiety/depression it can be hard to find your get up and go at times. I will touch on that more over the course of my projects. Maybe it will strike a chord with someone (assuming folks read these).I wanted a fast and dirty way of getting colour on all these bit, so I opted for rattle cans from the local car accessories emporium, silver and a reddish rust brown. From a psychological point of view turning a sea of mdf into something coloured and with a bit of tonal interest was a massive boost to my motivation. as a sufferer of anxiety/depression it can be hard to find your get up and go at times. I will touch on that more over the course of my projects. Maybe it will strike a chord with someone (assuming folks read these).


Along with the sci fi terrain I bought some Wild West buildings to convert, I definitely had Firefly at the back of my mind when creating my sci fi terrain. For my first go at really detailing mdf kits I was surprised and pleased with how they turned out.Along with the sci fi terrain I bought some Wild West buildings to convert, I definitely had Firefly at the back of my mind when creating my sci fi terrain. For my first go at really detailing mdf kits I was surprised and pleased with how they turned out.

So after the spray painting I set about the pieces with Vallejo pigment powder (as left over from Gaslands, I have used these so much of the years). gave everything a run down and rusty feel. but then added a little flock for a kind of mossy effect. I figured that this stuff was a pain for the colonists, like anything that stands still for a week has this stuff start growing on it.

Working on all the buildings at once helped me make them appear more unified and coherent. I did umm and ahh over the vegetation, but I figured desert wasteland has been done to deathWorking on all the buildings at once helped me make them appear more unified and coherent. I did umm and ahh over the vegetation, but I figured desert wasteland has been done to death

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sundancerrayzryr Recent comment authors
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Yessss! Western in Space is perfect for Stargrave. I’ll be sure and steal some of your ideas when I (eventually) get around to working on Stargrave/ sci-fi terrain again.

Cult of Games Member

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