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The Barons War - Free book adventure

The Barons War - Free book adventure

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Kitbashed this one for variety. Conquest Games Medieval Archers bow hand, draw arm and head on a FireForge Games Foot Sergeants body and shoulders. Improvised knife and scabbard from a sword hilt and a bolt scabbard.Kitbashed this one for variety. Conquest Games Medieval Archers bow hand, draw arm and head on a FireForge Games Foot Sergeants body and shoulders. Improvised knife and scabbard from a sword hilt and a bolt scabbard.
And these two are just straight from my medieval archers sprues. I like the understated weathering and the greens and off-white being swapped between the two.And these two are just straight from my medieval archers sprues. I like the understated weathering and the greens and off-white being swapped between the two.
It will be a unit of six. All green troops.It will be a unit of six. All green troops.

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