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Leagues of Gorram: Space Dwarves

Leagues of Gorram: Space Dwarves

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Project Entry by gorram Cult of Games Member

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Part The First

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2

February has been a weird month. I’ve been signed off pretty much the entirety of it. I wasn’t in much of a mood to paint minis, I mostly just played video games instead.

Midway through the month I was in the mood to do some hobby but I didn’t want to paint, I wanted to build. Looking in the cupboard, I decided to just go with what I fancied making instead of what project was coming up next.

That’s how I ended up here; 20 Hearthkyn Warriors built and subsequently painted. I own a bunch of the Leagues of Votann models; I bought the army box when it came out and have picked up at least one of all the other units (bar one) since last autumn. I have no interest at all in playing 40k and if I’m honest, I don’t know when I’ll play an army sized game large enough to get all of it on the table. My intention when I bought them was purely as a fun painting project because I loved the models. It feels right that the first batch to get painted were worked on with that exact feeling driving me.

Part The First
Part The First
Part The First

Paint Scheme

Fabric – Black Legion Contrast (GW)

Armour – Royal Purple (Vallejo); wash Druchii Violet (GW); highlight base colour

Skintone – GW Kislev Flesh, wash Reikland Fleshshade (GW); highlight base colour

Gloves, belts, pouches and packs – London Grey (Vallejo); wash Nuln Oil (GW); highlight Dawnstone (GW)

Other details: Gun Metal (Army Painter), Ground is Lava (Turbo Dork Colour Shift), Mournfang Brown (GW), Pallid Wych Flesh (GW), Retributor Armour (GW), Warboss Green (GW), and Prussian Blue (Vallejo)

Basing – Geek Gaming Scenics Grimdark City Rubble base ready mix

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Cult of Games Member

Loving that armour & visor colour combo

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