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Busty Dredd

Busty Dredd

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The finish line

Tutoring 7
Skill 11
Idea 10

I went back for the Green. I completely changed the tone of this added more green and black. The green gloves that Dredd wares in most of the comics do grab attention away and I needed to focus the viewer up to his pretty face.  I used Slimer green and Goblin flesh from Scale colour and black. Keeping this very high contrast but pushing the colour to the top to shout look up. I think it works.

I then mounted this lining up the face to the face on the comic in the background. It actually looks like the speech bubble is coming out of him. The Judge Dredd logo however was partially covered. Which I am ok with as it was planned at 2am when I was tired. Still a little sore about this. More planning would have avoided this, but would it have gotten finished if I was certain to get the logo right? Who knows.

Front onFront on
To the side for ContextTo the side for Context

So After all this, it was done. Am I happy? No. Am I pleased? Yes. I finished a bust. It’s far from perfect but I think I could spend an eternity painting a bust.

In hindsight I would have printed all components slightly bigger by about 5 – 6 mm. I would have just made his belt buckle all gold, sorted out the logo to be seen. Used new transfer paper and decal fix under it to avoid bubbles. Spent less time on the back.

I do think on the black and white comic it pops like a Champaign cork. It’s super graphic which from a teenager wishing to be an artist (still cant do much without weeks of work) drew me to Judge Dredd. That and a guy with a chain saw cutting peoples genitals off before Dredd stopped him.

I think the model of the story is bin something your not having fun with, life is to short. Remember, finished not perfect. Don’t just feed the bin and lastly don’t chop peoples genitals off with a chainsaw, but that’s stolen from Dredd himself.

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Cult of Games Member

Thats amazing. Thanks for sharing the journey.

Cult of Games Member

The end result is stunning! You should be proud.

Cult of Games Member

Fantastic work from start to finish and I think the display stand brings it all together perfectly. ???

Cult of Games Member

This is beautiful work and really captures the comic book Dredd. As the creator you will always know where the flaws are and have some feel of where you could have done things differently, but as someone coming to this fresh I think it looks great and you should be really proud of it.

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