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Bob's Going 'Nuts'

Bob's Going 'Nuts'

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A Nutty Problem

Tutoring 6
Skill 7
Idea 7
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A Nutty Problem

Over the years I’ve A few of ‘Two Wargames Rule’s based on their Chain reaction system, although I was originally anti its concept I have developed a real liking for how it works when you get used to it. One of the biggest gripes had been the rules layout and sometimes appalling editing. A quick glance at the latest copy seems to have most of my gripes covered.

On addition I don’t intend to overtax the system and play very much Infantry Squad level games with the occasional vehicle.

I do already have a fair amount of 28mm  figures and Vehicles  painted (mainly British and German) and a small collection of American shame, tanks built but not painted including the Warlord Oddballs Sherman, so this little project hopefully see them completed.

The whole idea sprang into being when last week I found a single Sprue of Warlords latest British and Commonwealth Infantry for late War. I remembered I had a Sprue of American GI’s if I can find it.

Anyway digging today I found the GIs , a Sprue of late Germans and a Sprue of Winter Germans. I also found the partly painted Half Track Maultier Armoured Car from the Bolt Action Desert War bootcamp, and the Unbuilt 233 armoured car. Which with the American Vehicle finds should keep me busy.

And just  after I started this project was begun, Warren announces the Spring Clean Hobby Challenge…. and as this is bringing life to old , but very forgotten figures and models ( with the W.I. freebies more didn’t even know what I had got) and some odd new additions why not add it to that challenge.

As my initial inspiration my British Infantry Squad will be based round a motorised Infantry squad from my old Favourites the 11th Armoured Division , in this case The 8th Regiment the Rifle Brigade.


A few years ago Corgi did some really nice painted M5 halftracks, which although maybe slightly out of scale were close enough. The base paint job was nicely painted and weathered , they only needed a crew, and the stowage shaded which I did way back. So my base squad already has its vehicle.


A Nutty Problem
A Nutty Problem
A Nutty Problem
A Nutty Problem
A Nutty Problem

My 1st German Squad won’t be quite so elegantly equipped, but wiil be using the very Forgotten Maultier Half Track that I built at the Bolt Action Desert War.Boot camp.

A Nutty Problem
A Nutty Problem

Still need a lot of work , but at least it’s a start.

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