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Rising from the Ashes - Jodain's Spring Clean

Rising from the Ashes - Jodain's Spring Clean

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39 Down, 128 to go

Tutoring 8
Skill 8
Idea 8
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Ok, if you’re watching the maths you’ll notice a slight error on my part (might be more to come as well!).  I realised that my tracking system was missing two miniatures for the Phoenix, fortunately one of them was painted.

This week I have managed to paint the remaining 6 of the Archers and 6 Infantry to give me units of 12 for each.  I’ve also painted Shiba Tsukune, the first character in this spring clean challenge.

So painting the archers and infantry – black primer, drybrush with AP Uniform Grey and then a drybrush of AP Matt White (Slapchop method).  The cloth is then contrast Bad Moon Yellow and the armour contrast Baal Red, skin is contrast Gulliman Flesh.

For Shiba Tsukune I used contrast Gryph Hound Orange for the top, contrast Baal Red for the trousers and contrat Blood Angels Red for the armour.  This was then highlighted using a base of P3 Khador Red Highlight, with a bit of Vallejo Lemon Yellow for the top and AP Pure Red for the trousers.  The cuffs on the top are contrast Black Legion, with a drybrush of white to catch the symbols and then a drybrush of Vallejo Lemon Yellow to help them stand out.

Basing on these is Vallejo Earth Texture – Dark Earth, with a drybrush of Vallejo Dark Sand and then some AP Mountain Rocks and tufts from Debris of War.

39 Down, 128 to go

Next up is Shibu Rushu and a block of Isawa Inquisitors.

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Cult of Games Member

A great job bringing the figures to full color.

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