Rising from the Ashes - Jodain's Spring Clean
25 Down 140 to go.
I’ve realised that this game is so old that it isn’t even listed in the games list for the project choices. If you never played Clan War from AEG, then join the club – I can’t remember playing it particularly mind you I never had much of my army complete. As it stood last week I had 165 miniatures for my Phoenix army of which 13 were painted. The club has decided that this might be a game to put on for the next Broadside show in June so I need to get on with painting the army. Since I painted the others Contrast paints have come along so it is a slight change in paint scheme for these guys. I started painting them in my year long project, so here is the link to the first post about the Phoenix and my trial in slapchop https://www.beastsofwar.com/project-entry/1807896/
My eldest has decided to help me out so progress should be quick.
So as of 27th March there are 25 miniatures painted.
Respect to the Pheonix… but Dragon is best (lol).