Draconis: Spring Clean 2023 and onward
Lumineth Completed
3rd April 2023
As mentioned before, I decided to crack on with the bases in order to get a change of perspective on the minis. I was able to work on these without too much ‘mental debate’, so it allowed me to just get some basic progress and keep up some momentum.
I did have an issue with the black contrast not liking the white spray…
Doing the bases gave me a bit more mojo, and I then was able to crack on with the Lumineth models over the rest of the weekend. Picking out the details, adding the spot colours, and of course – going back on things I had missed ?
With the minis almost complete I dug out my Milliput and magnets to get these minis magnetised for storage (since they wont store in a foam case very well without me having to cut up the foam – and they may still get stuck or be awkward then)
Then, with a few finishing touches that were a push on my eyes, the Lumineth Warband for Underworlds was complete!
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