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Cadre of Mesme Ukos Refresh

Cadre of Mesme Ukos Refresh

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My Old Golden Demon entry

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
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Back in the mists of time I went to a Games Day. I decided to step out of my comfort zone and made a diorama for the Golden Demon contest. Just for fun rather than serious.

I created Mesme Ukos taking on my partners Guardsmen.

I replicated his army scheme for the Guard. Hid Ratling Snipers in the trees. The trees are twisty garden wire with Flock & lichen for foliage – inspired by the trees on my pathfinders.

The sniper shots have activated the Shield Drone.  I used a red resin portal for the shield effect.

I also hid a tortoise and lizard in the scene just for the cute factor.

The diorama will live in the display cabinets alongside the rest of my Tau.


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