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Spring Clean Challenge Giger's Genestealers

Spring Clean Challenge Giger's Genestealers

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A slight detour

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 6
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I found an eldar guardian, the other day, just lying around in box of random junk, and I thought I wonder what would happen if I painted it in the same way as the Geneatealers; so I had a go.


A slight detour

I began with the exact same method, of giving the model a heavy white dry brush.

This time, I only wanted the armour and the gun to have a bone feel, so I only applied the woodstain to those areas, and left the face to be done in more conventional paints

A slight detour

Then using what I learnt from the geneatealers, I applied a black wash and then another coat of woodstain. Because of the first coats varnish, this slowed down the drying time allowing me to drag the stain and wash around to create interesting effects.

A slight detour

The next day, I returned and painted the face and lightly drybrushed white over the armour to lighten the effect.

I finished by painting the crystals red to add a splash of colour

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