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‘Begun, this Clone Force has’ – starting out on Star Wars Legion

‘Begun, this Clone Force has’ – starting out on Star Wars Legion

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Test piece completed

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 5
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13th May 2023

For the Clone armour I decided to go with Soulblight shade. Its pretty much a contrast paint tbh.

I thinned it a touch for my first test piece, but it did go quite grey.

Test piece completed

Because of this I had to give it a drybrush to bring back the white.

I started out with the gw ‘dry’ paint, but ending up just using a normal white.

I also thought I would quickly try a more thinned Soulblight grey for some other clones.

Doing it this way should cut out most of the drybrush stage, and when rolled out to almost 50 minis should save a good chunk of time.

Slightly less greySlightly less grey

Then it was back to the test piece, and the stage I was dreading…. the black bodysuit, and other black detailing.

I used contrast black for this as it flows so much easier than a standard paint, making this stage a little less onerous.

For the base I went with a simple neutral colour. Just basically used wyldwood contrast over the white, followed by a mid brown base rim.

Test piece completed

Looks a little plain really. To differentiate units on the tabletop I plan to use coloured markings on them.

I’m not sure yet if it will be different colours on each unit, or if it will be the same colour but in different layouts.

It will be less thematic but it will be more usable on the tabletop.

For the test piece I went with yellow, and also added a grass tuft for a little base interest.

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