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Raiding the Dusty Wastes

Raiding the Dusty Wastes

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The spirit of the desert as air and fire

Tutoring 5
Skill 7
Idea 6
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From the experience of horses, the painting of a flying carpet should be considered a separate figure. Disney would be proud in the knowledge that the conveyance is considered its own character. Too much visual input has been a problem and it just doesn’t feel right visually… or is it?

Hayao Miyazaki may be credited with the phrase “Anime was a mistake” but I’ll try and avoid the pitfall of color overload for now. Retina fry is my intention for work yet to be seen, or purchased, in the likes of the medieval Indians. This force is a lesson to build on for that eventuality with this model giving me opportunity to practice my mayhem in a controlled manner.

The Reaper elemental scion figures arrived and will fit in nicely with the rest of the army. I have found issue with the djinn and efreet that aren’t addressed in the promo photos.

The djinn is great except for one glaring detail. The scale mail skirt (sarong?) was sculpted upside down. The fenestrations of the scales were placed upright making it look like little rows of pavises or tombstones instead of overlapping like fish scales or rounded roof tiles that would shed water. I’ll make a mold of these, grind down the detail and replace it with greenstuff. A simple fix will correct the error.

The efreet has its own issues with armor. The figure’s left shoulder has great detail for sculpted armor like the face of a Balinese demon. The right shoulder sported a pitiful skull that obviously lacked the same attention. I’ve already scraped the offensive thing down to the general pad where I’ll build it back up. I’ll also do some small modification to the position of the right arm and the sword it holds. When dry fit, the blade is perfect to go over the edge of the raised base it was sculpted with. I’ll be setting the base details so the male efreet matches the female one. In doing that the blade would need adjustment to appear naturally held by the fiery being. I’ve also scraped down a couple skull details on the flourishes for the crotch curtain. The quality of the sculpts are great beyond these flaws.

The work may end one day, perhaps when I decide to not keep polishing this and creating wonder.

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Cult of Games Member

The warrior on carpet somehow reminds me of the C64 game “Summer Games” where you could do surf stuff XD

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