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Last Days of the Horus Heresy

Last Days of the Horus Heresy

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Weathering and gore added to the Space Marines!

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2
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Weathering and gore added to the Space Marines!

The Imperial Fists and Sons of Horus are fully painted, including weathering, battle damage and GORE!

I’ve included the colour palette below to show the recipes for each of the factions.

You’ll see some crossovers, especially when it comes to the weapon detailing and weathering pigments.

For the decals, I used the sheet that came with the Age of Darkness box.

While this paint scheme is a big departure from the normal, clean paint jobs you normally see on Marines, I hope I was able to convey the dirtiness of the  scorched battlefield.

Next up is the Imperial Fists tank!

Weathering and gore added to the Space Marines!

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