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Last Days of the Horus Heresy

Last Days of the Horus Heresy

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Detailing the Land Raider Spartan

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
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Detailing the Land Raider Spartan


I gouged this up with a rotary tool, using various bits. I try to match the calibre of the rounds that I imagine are being used to the diameter of the drill bit I’m doing the damage with. This way, even if the drill accidentally skips across the model, the damage will still feel authentic. Shells like to skim across armour plates, after all!

Radio antennae

Lightly curved copper wire, superglued into small holes drilled with a pin vice matched to the wire’s diameter. I usually replace the supplied antennae with most tank kits, as they’re often too thick and rigid.

Chains, stowage, and accessories

I added some jewellery chains to the front hatch to add visual interest. Before I glued it all in place, this was actually a working system, and there was a satisfying noise of the chain moving when you opened or closed the hatch.

The stowage is from Tamiya’s 1:35 Allied Vehicles Accessory Set and works well, scale-wise. 

The other small accessories, such as shovels and spare road wheels are from the 1:35 scale section of my bits box. While 1:46 better suits the Imperial Guard and other 28mm kits, I find that 1:35 works well with chunky Space Marines (and Orks).

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