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Infinity: Defiance & Beyond

Infinity: Defiance & Beyond

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24 - Victor Messer & Aïda Swanson

Tutoring 2
Skill 3
Idea 3
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These two characters get a combined entry because they’re quite similar. They are both speculo agents, genetically modified Shasvastii programmed to impersonate other species – in this case humans – for infiltration purposes. Their missions can be many and varied from espionage to assassination.

Aïda Swanson is, or rather was, a sub-mondo (the criminal underworld of the Infinity universe) with a reputation for being able to source whatever the buyer wants with no questions asked; information, weapons, drugs… people. For the right price of course, and with no questions asked in return. Then, one day Aida was no more, her last client an exact replica of herself, created by the Shasvastii. The creature killed her and took her identity and took up where its victim left off. Since then, the creature has become so immersed in the personality of Aïda that it no longer fully knows what it is; when called on it unquestioningly fulfils missions from its alien overlords without knowing why, extracting whatever information or items the EI has decided are necessary to further its goals

24 - Victor Messer & Aïda Swanson

Victor Messer is a different beast again. Very little is known about Victor save that he exists. He bears the moniker “Autonomous Agent of Chaos and his main goal seems to be just that – to spread chaos and disorder among the Human Sphere. He has been detected numerous times on the Maya network, orchestrating various protest and hacker groups with the goal of disrupting human sphere operations. His actions have brought him to the attention of O12 as a person of significant interest and they want him taken alive.

24 - Victor Messer & Aïda Swanson

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