Rising from the Ashes - Jodain's Spring Clean
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Well the Broadside show has been and gone and we changed games in the end so the drive to complete the Phoenix has drained away and so no updates in June.
I did manage to finish off some figures last weekend, the six Hurricane Iniaites and 4 of the Isawa Inquisitors that I had started in the last post. I made a serious mess of the 5 Inquisitor and so it will go and be striped back down and re-primed.
Maybe I bit off a bit more than I could chew with this project, but I am happy with the amount of figures that I have managed to paint. I will continue to paint this army, but I’m going to be mixing a few different figures in now to give me a freshen up – but first I have some 1:1 terrain to paint.
Hopefully the batteries recharge fully for the next update
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