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Designing a new game with accompanying model range from scratch

Designing a new game with accompanying model range from scratch

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A brief overview and starting steps

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 6

The premise

For this project, I want to create a ruleset and a range of miniatures to complement it. I also have in mind a comprehensive lore to go alongside this, with special characters and various campaign books as well.

The rules

So far, all I have decided is that it should be deck-based and that I have a few units planned out thus far.


I have a program called Nomad Sculpt that I have been playing with. I will post renders and test prints once they have been completed.


I have decided to go with a post-human land, where animals have begun to anthropomorphize and form their own societies. I envision the enemies being corrupted forms of the last humans. I plan to set the storyline initially in the north-west of England some 40 years after a great battle between these two factions.

In conclusion

By the end of this project, I am hoping to have a full, functioning ruleset, armies, miniatures, and fully fleshed-out lore. When I lay it out like this it seems like a mammoth task, but I’m fired up for this.

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Cult of Games Member

You might also be able to use single figures for games of Pugmire

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