Designing a new game with accompanying model range from scratch
A brief summary of the setting
For as long as most can remember, the world has been swallowed by darkness, the combined forces of the northern animals a fragile ember in a world of darkness. Forty standard years ago the great war was waged, and a now legendary army of now-fallen heroes pushed back the Corrupted remnants of the old world and cemented a new kingdom in the ruins of the old world. Only one animal now remembers those days, the queen Rosie, ‘the bear of the north’. Around her teachings, the great dog houses of Labrador, Doberman, and Retriever were founded, following the teachings of the Good Boy. These great houses have regiments of ascended soldiers and legions of their lesser brethren, with many non-ascended breeds under their wing until their day of ascension. To the North of the kingdom are the barbaric lands of the old Scotland, and to the south the Corrupted, led by the few of them that retain any brain function. Rosie has declared her intention to reclaim the lands of old England by fire and sword, but with her now very advanced age, others covet her throne. The war rages on.
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