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Designing a new game with accompanying model range from scratch

Designing a new game with accompanying model range from scratch

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First painted miniature

Tutoring 3
Skill 4
Idea 5
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I painted my first test model today, which went… below expectations. I can’t paint a solid yellow colour using Moon Yellow. So ended up painting over it with US Army drab. I took a photo of the paints used, (I think the black paint came in a starter set) I’ll try a Chocolate and Black Labrador in the next few days as I continue working on the rules. The outlined turn sequence will currently be –

-Turn Sequence-

1. Rally fleeing troops
2. Draw command cards (explained later)
3. Move companies by strategy rating.
4. Shooting attacks/ranged abilities by strategy rating.
5. Close-quarters combat, the highest strategy general chooses the order.
6. Break tests

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