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Kick-off Time

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 8
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Well, it’s officially the 1st of October here in Perth so that means I can start kicking off with some terrain.   I have a lot of ideas buzzing around in my mind and a lot I would like to get done so with that in mind it’s time to get busy.

With this little project, the aim is to incorporate a mixed set of mediums, 3D prints both purchased STLs and ones of my own making, traditional scratch building and possibly even converting of existing kits.

However, the main focus will be speed for this, and I will aim to share my method of speed painting buildings.  Now I don’t claim to be an expert at this, but I have settled on a rather quick process that is incredibly easy to achieve in almost no time at all.


New Brighton

New Brighton is the capital city in the ‘A Tale of Two Worlds‘ Victorian Science Fiction Campaign that we started up some time ago now.   The campaign is set on both Earth and Mars during the height of the Victorian Empire.  War rages across both planets as both Humans and Martians are drawn into the fight.  Earth forces have long established settlements on the red planet and have drawn inspiration from their home world during their construction.  Flying ships called Aeronefs, or Nefs for short rule the skies and also provide important transport networks to supply smaller outposts.

The buildings I plan to do for this will be able to be used for both settings and also some of them would also be usable in more conventional historical games.

As Nefs are the main form of transport in this alternative setting it seems only appropriate that we start this with an Aeronef Station.  Thankfully I have this rather large 3D printed building that has been gathering dust.  Just the thing to demonstrate my painting technique.

Kick-off Time

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