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Port Blacksand

Port Blacksand

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The Begining

Tutoring 14
Skill 14
Idea 17

Well, it’s officially the 1st of October here in Perth so that means I can start kicking off with some terrain.   I have a lot of ideas buzzing around in my mind and a lot I would like to get done so with that in mind it’s time to get busy.

With this little project, the aim is to incorporate a mixed set of mediums, 3D prints both purchased STLs and ones of my own making, traditional scratch building and possibly even converting of existing kits.



Port Blacksand.

Port Blacksand sits at the point where the Catfish River meets the Western Ocean. It is the home of many pirates, thieves, and brigands, and is divided into several Districts.


Execution Hill.

This district is named after the bleak windswept square at the top of Gallows Hill.  On the hill’s south side, the buildings are tightly packed together, and roads turn into steep flights of steps.


Harbour District.

This is the oldest district in Port Blacksand with winding, narrow streets and ancient, weather-beaten houses. The narrowness of the streets and the overhanging nature of the upper stories of buildings make the streets dark even during the day.  Lobster Wharf and Harbour Street are the main thoroughfares.


Garden District.

This district is named after the public gardens which dominate this area of the city. It is a wealthy district with many private houses, some of which are the offices of professional people, including court officials, musicians, and artists.


Fish Market District.

In this district, the smell of raw fish permeates the air, worsened in foggy weather. The buildings near the wharf are warehouses with many exotic goods stockpiled in them.


Merchant District.

This is the heart of Port Blacksand’s business district. It runs between the southern side of Market Square and the City walls. Here, you can buy anything. Approaching the Royal Palace, the small gloomy shops are replaced by large houses in which dwell the city’s richest and most devious merchants.


The Noose.

This is the most notorious district in the city named after its most notorious street. It is most famous as the home of the powerful Guild of Thieves. An atmosphere of crime and decay pervades the area. The area has many beggars. The Noose is also the site of the Market Square and during the day this is bustling with traders and customers.


Temple District.

Here are most obviously many of Port Blacksand’s temples situated on or near the Street of Temples, a wide, pleasant street. Most of the City’s armourers and weapon makers are to be found in this same district, in the block of buildings formed by the Street of Knives, Cutlass Alley and Dagger Lane. The rest of the area is made up of twisting back streets and alleys.




Most of the Port Blacksand’s population are Humans, Orcs and Goblins.  Trolls and Ogres are also common, and many work for the Blacksand Watch. Small groups of Dwarves and Elves dwell here. Some of the more unusual humanoid species also dwell in the city.




The architecture favours overhanging upper storeys and many strange decorative follies like towers, bridges, and interconnecting passages above the ground. The buildings of Blacksand are painted many colours and most shops have signs indicating their trade hanging outside. The streets are unclean, covered in mud and droppings. Back streets in the older parts of the town tend to be cobbled and some of them are stepped. Each district, except for the Garden District, has its own City Guard detachment and blockhouse.

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Cult of Games Member

Fantastic. My favourite fantasy city. Are you going to use the maps as a basis

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